Learn to Develop a Complete Test Automation Framework
Week 1: Introduction to Playwright and Setup
What is Playwright?
Playwright vs. other testing frameworks (e.g., Selenium, Cypress)
Key features and use cases
Environment Setup
Installing Node.js and npm
Installing Playwright and related tools
Setting up a basic JavaScript project with Playwright
Introduction to Playwright APIs
Understanding Playwright’s core API: Browser, Context, and Page
Basic script: Launching a browser, creating a context, and opening a page
Hands-On Exercises
Write a script to navigate to a website and take a screenshot
Practice installing and configuring Playwright
Week 2: Browser Automation Fundamentals
Navigating Web Pages
Automating navigation: goto(), reload(), waitForNavigation()
Handling different page states: loading, interactive, complete
Interacting with Elements
Selecting elements: selectors, css, xpath
Performing actions: click(), type(), fill(), hover()
Working with forms: check(), uncheck(), selectOption()
Waiting Mechanisms
Understanding waiting: implicit and explicit waits
Using waitForSelector(), waitForTimeout(), waitForEvent()
Hands-On Exercises
Create scripts for filling out forms, clicking buttons, and submitting forms
Practice handling different wait scenarios
Week 3: Advanced Interactions and Assertions
Working with Frames and IFrames
Understanding frames and iframes
Handling multiple frames: frame(), frameLocator()
Handling Pop-ups and Dialogs
Dealing with pop-ups, alerts, and confirmations
Handling new browser windows and tabs
Assertions and Testing
Using Playwright Test for assertions: expect(), toHaveText(), toBeVisible()
Writing custom assertions
Running tests with Playwright Test Runner
Hands-On Exercises
Automate interactions involving iframes and pop-ups
Write scripts using assertions to validate page content
Week 4: Advanced Playwright Features
Working with Network Interactions
Intercepting network requests: route(), intercept()
Mocking and modifying network responses
Taking Screenshots and Videos
Capturing screenshots: full-page, element-specific
Recording videos of test executions
Handling Keyboard and Mouse Events
Simulating keyboard inputs: keyboard.press(), keyboard.type()
Handling complex mouse events: mouse.click(), mouse.move()
Hands-On Exercises
Implement network request interception and mocking
Record a video of a test execution and analyze results
Week 5: Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing
Testing Across Multiple Browsers
Configuring Playwright for cross-browser testing: Chromium, Firefox, WebKit
Running tests on different browsers using the Playwright Test Runner
Emulating Devices and Network Conditions
Device emulation: mobile, tablet, desktop configurations
Simulating network conditions: slow connections, offline mode
Parallel Testing and Test Suites
Running tests in parallel
Organizing tests into suites and grouping them for efficient execution
Hands-On Exercises
Create test cases for multiple browsers and devices
Run tests in parallel and analyze performance
Week 6: Test Optimization, Debugging, and CI/CD Integration
Optimizing Tests for Performance
Best practices for writing efficient Playwright tests
Reducing test execution time: parallelization, selective test execution
Debugging Playwright Tests
Using Playwright’s debugging tools: debug(), pause(), trace viewer
Analyzing logs and failure reports
Integrating Playwright with CI/CD Pipelines
Setting up Playwright tests in popular CI/CD tools (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, GitLab CI)
Configuring automated test runs on different environments
Capstone Project
Develop a comprehensive test suite for a sample web application
Demonstrate cross-browser testing, device emulation, and network condition simulation
Final Assessment and Q&A
Review key concepts covered throughout the course
Discuss challenges and best practices
JavaScript Course Outline (3 Days)
Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript and Basic Concepts
Introduction to JavaScript
What is JavaScript and where is it used?
JavaScript vs. other programming languages
Setting up the development environment (VS Code, browser console)
Basic Syntax and Data Types
Variables and constants: var, let, const
Data types: string, number, boolean, null, undefined, object
Type conversion and type coercion
Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, and bitwise operators
Working with expressions and operator precedence
Control Structures
Conditional statements: if, else, else if, switch
Loops: for, while, do…while
break and continue statements
Hands-On Exercises
Practice creating and manipulating variables
Write scripts using conditional statements and loops
Day 2: Functions, Arrays, and Objects
Defining functions: function declaration, function expressions, and arrow functions
Parameters, arguments, and return values
Understanding scope: local vs. global variables
Introduction to callbacks and higher-order functions
Creating and manipulating arrays: push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, slice
Iterating over arrays: for loop, forEach, map, filter, reduce
Common array methods and their use cases
Creating objects using object literals
Accessing and modifying object properties and methods
Nested objects and arrays
Understanding this keyword in different contexts
Hands-On Exercises
Create functions to perform common tasks (e.g., calculate sum, find maximum value)
Manipulate arrays and objects to solve real-world problems
Day 3: DOM Manipulation, Events, and Asynchronous JavaScript
DOM Manipulation
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
Selecting elements: getElementById, querySelector, querySelectorAll
Modifying elements: innerHTML, textContent, style, classList
Creating and removing elements: createElement, appendChild, removeChild
Event Handling
Understanding events and event types (click, input, load, etc.)
Adding and removing event listeners: addEventListener, removeEventListener
Event propagation: capturing and bubbling
Asynchronous JavaScript
Introduction to asynchronous programming
Understanding callbacks, promises, and async/await
Using fetch API for making HTTP requests
Handling errors in asynchronous code
Hands-On Project
Build a small interactive web application (e.g., a to-do list or a simple calculator)
Apply DOM manipulation, event handling, and asynchronous JavaScriptAdditional Topics