QA Automation Bootcamp
(Playwright & JavaScript)

Course Benefits:
  • Get your first job in IT.
  • High-Paying Tech JOB GUARANTEED*
  • Week Day Classes.
  • Good to have IT Background.
  • Hands-on, Live Projects.
  • Job Guaranteed.
  • Free for OPTs

Learn to Develop a Complete Test Automation Framework

Week 1: Introduction to Playwright and Setup

  • Overview of Playwright
    • What is Playwright?

    • Playwright vs. other testing frameworks (e.g., Selenium, Cypress)

    • Key features and use cases

  • Environment Setup

    • Installing Node.js and npm

    • Installing Playwright and related tools

    • Setting up a basic JavaScript project with Playwright

  • Introduction to Playwright APIs

    • Understanding Playwright’s core API: Browser, Context, and Page

    • Basic script: Launching a browser, creating a context, and opening a page

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Write a script to navigate to a website and take a screenshot

    • Practice installing and configuring Playwright

Week 2: Browser Automation Fundamentals

  • Navigating Web Pages

    • Automating navigation: goto(), reload(), waitForNavigation()

    • Handling different page states: loading, interactive, complete

  • Interacting with Elements

    • Selecting elements: selectors, css, xpath

    • Performing actions: click(), type(), fill(), hover()

    • Working with forms: check(), uncheck(), selectOption()

  • Waiting Mechanisms

    • Understanding waiting: implicit and explicit waits

    • Using waitForSelector(), waitForTimeout(), waitForEvent()

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Create scripts for filling out forms, clicking buttons, and submitting forms

    • Practice handling different wait scenarios

Week 3: Advanced Interactions and Assertions

  • Working with Frames and IFrames

    • Understanding frames and iframes

    • Handling multiple frames: frame(), frameLocator()

  • Handling Pop-ups and Dialogs

    • Dealing with pop-ups, alerts, and confirmations

    • Handling new browser windows and tabs

  • Assertions and Testing

    • Using Playwright Test for assertions: expect(), toHaveText(), toBeVisible()

    • Writing custom assertions

    • Running tests with Playwright Test Runner

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Automate interactions involving iframes and pop-ups

    • Write scripts using assertions to validate page content

Week 4: Advanced Playwright Features

  • Working with Network Interactions

    • Intercepting network requests: route(), intercept()

    • Mocking and modifying network responses

    • Handling file uploads and downloads
  • Taking Screenshots and Videos

    • Capturing screenshots: full-page, element-specific

    • Recording videos of test executions

  • Handling Keyboard and Mouse Events

    • Simulating keyboard inputs:, keyboard.type()

    • Handling complex mouse events:, mouse.move()

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Implement network request interception and mocking

    • Record a video of a test execution and analyze results

Week 5: Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing

  • Testing Across Multiple Browsers

    • Configuring Playwright for cross-browser testing: Chromium, Firefox, WebKit

    • Running tests on different browsers using the Playwright Test Runner

  • Emulating Devices and Network Conditions

    • Device emulation: mobile, tablet, desktop configurations

    • Simulating network conditions: slow connections, offline mode

  • Parallel Testing and Test Suites

    • Running tests in parallel

    • Organizing tests into suites and grouping them for efficient execution

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Create test cases for multiple browsers and devices

    • Run tests in parallel and analyze performance

Week 6: Test Optimization, Debugging, and CI/CD Integration

  • Optimizing Tests for Performance

    • Best practices for writing efficient Playwright tests

    • Reducing test execution time: parallelization, selective test execution

  • Debugging Playwright Tests

    • Using Playwright’s debugging tools: debug(), pause(), trace viewer

    • Analyzing logs and failure reports

  • Integrating Playwright with CI/CD Pipelines

    • Setting up Playwright tests in popular CI/CD tools (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, GitLab CI)

    • Configuring automated test runs on different environments

  • Capstone Project

    • Develop a comprehensive test suite for a sample web application

    • Demonstrate cross-browser testing, device emulation, and network condition simulation

  • Final Assessment and Q&A

    • Review key concepts covered throughout the course

    • Discuss challenges and best practices

JavaScript Course Outline (3 Days)

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript and Basic Concepts

  • Introduction to JavaScript

    • What is JavaScript and where is it used?

    • JavaScript vs. other programming languages

    • Setting up the development environment (VS Code, browser console)

  • Basic Syntax and Data Types

    • Variables and constants: var, let, const

    • Data types: string, number, boolean, null, undefined, object

    • Type conversion and type coercion

  • Operators and Expressions

    • Arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, and bitwise operators

    • Working with expressions and operator precedence

  • Control Structures

    • Conditional statements: if, else, else if, switch

    • Loops: for, while, do…while

    • break and continue statements

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Practice creating and manipulating variables

    • Write scripts using conditional statements and loops

Day 2: Functions, Arrays, and Objects

  • Functions

    • Defining functions: function declaration, function expressions, and arrow functions

    • Parameters, arguments, and return values

    • Understanding scope: local vs. global variables

    • Introduction to callbacks and higher-order functions

  • Arrays

    • Creating and manipulating arrays: push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, slice

    • Iterating over arrays: for loop, forEach, map, filter, reduce

    • Common array methods and their use cases

  • Objects

    • Creating objects using object literals

    • Accessing and modifying object properties and methods

    • Nested objects and arrays

    • Understanding this keyword in different contexts

  • Hands-On Exercises

    • Create functions to perform common tasks (e.g., calculate sum, find maximum value)

    • Manipulate arrays and objects to solve real-world problems

Day 3: DOM Manipulation, Events, and Asynchronous JavaScript

  • DOM Manipulation

    • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)

    • Selecting elements: getElementById, querySelector, querySelectorAll

    • Modifying elements: innerHTML, textContent, style, classList

    • Creating and removing elements: createElement, appendChild, removeChild

  • Event Handling

    • Understanding events and event types (click, input, load, etc.)

    • Adding and removing event listeners: addEventListener, removeEventListener

    • Event propagation: capturing and bubbling

  • Asynchronous JavaScript

    • Introduction to asynchronous programming

    • Understanding callbacks, promises, and async/await

    • Using fetch API for making HTTP requests

    • Handling errors in asynchronous code

  • Hands-On Project

    • Build a small interactive web application (e.g., a to-do list or a simple calculator)

    • Apply DOM manipulation, event handling, and asynchronous JavaScriptAdditional Topics

  • Depiction of a QA professional using a Generative Pretrained Transformer for advanced software testing.
  • Integration of cutting-edge AI technology into quality assurance.
  • Enhancements in testing efficiency and accuracy.
  • Innovation in bug detection and resolution methods.

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