TypeScript Crash Course – Fundamentals
- TypeScript Overview
- Creating our first TypeScript application
- Defining Variables – Overview
- Defining Variables – Write Some Code
- Creating Loops and Arrays – Overview
- Creating Loops and Arrays – Coding
TypeScript Crash Course – Creating Classes
- Creating Classes – Overview
- Creating Classes – Write Some Code
- Defining Accessors – Overview
- Defining Accessors – Write Some Code
- Configuring Compiler Options with tsconfig.json
- Parameter Properties
- TypeScript Modules: Import and Export
TypeScript Crash Course – Inheritance and Interfaces
- Inheritance – Overview
- Inheritance – Creating the Superclass and Subclass
- Inheritance – Pulling it all together in a Main App
- Inheritance – Developing a second Subclass
- Inheritance – Adding Shapes to an Array
- Abstract Classes – Overview
- Abstract Classes – Write Some Code
- Interfaces – Overview
- Interfaces – Write Some Code
Angular Crash Course – Fundamentals
- Getting Started with Angular
- How to install Angular and set-up it
- Exploring the Angular Project
- Creating a New Angular Project
- Behind The Scenes of An Angular Project – Overview
- Behind The Scenes of An Angular Project – Demo
- Angular Directives ngStyle, nglf, ngFor, ngSwitch, ngClass
- Angular Data, Event, Property bindings and Two-way data binding
- Creating a New Angular Component – Overview
- Creating a New Angular Component – Coding
Angular Crash Course – Bootstrap CSS, Conditionals and Formatting
- Integrating Angular and Bootstrap CSS – Overview
- Integrating Angular and Bootstrap CSS – Write Some Code
- Angular Conditionals and Formatting – Overview
- Angular Conditionals and Formatting – Coding
Project with Angular + Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA + Hibernate + MySQL
- Java 17, Hibernate 6, MySQL 8, Spring Boot 3.x (Spring Core, Spring Context, Spring Web, Spring AOP, Spring Transaction, Spring Data JPA, Spring MVC, Spring Security), Angular(JQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap), Apache POI, log4j, Java Email API, SSL + HTTPS, Postman, Maven, Tomcat, Git, Jenkins CI & CD